Encouragement Self Love and Kindness with Zoe from Blessed in Doubles
Zoe Fuimaono became a fast friend of us here at The Mint Republic when we met over a plan to create some special jewellery....
Since then we have shared lots of laughs, long phone calls and Zoe has so many times shared words of encouragement that have resonated with me.
As a mum to TWO sets of twins ( #blessedindoubles) Zoe fully understands what it can be like to be overwhelmingly ‘busy’ but a recent change of place and pace has seen Zoe and her family flourish ❤️
Check out Zoe’s words of encouragement self love and kindness below...
to read more of Zoe’s life check out blessed in doubles on Instagram
My favourite quote
Is by David the Psalmist.
“For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me [together] in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.”
Psalms 139:13-14
This speaks to my soul and affirms to me that not only me but every person that walks this earth is created on purpose with a purpose.
The words I speak to myself when I need to give myself some love, or be kind to myself?
I remind myself that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
When you dive deeper into what Fearfully and wonderful mean translated from the Hebrew it means so much more than what we see at first glance.
Fearfully in Hebrew means with great reverence, heart-felt interest, and with respect. Wonderfully when translated from the hebrew means unique and set apart.
This to me builds a beautiful picture of the foundation set before me to live a wonderful joy filled life.
How I would encourage another when the road is a little bumpy?
There is no one else in the world created the way you are, there is no one that can do things the way you specifically do them. I mean people can copy you but they aren’t you, That is your super power!
Once we realise, understand and own how unique we are and begin to cultivate the gifts placed within us we begin to shine different, even when the road gets bumpy.
I think we often forget how resilient and strong we are, when we nourish our mind, body and soul through the bumpy road we end up flourishing and learning so much about who we are along the way!
Any other tips for self -love and kindness?
My tip for self love would be to rest.
Give yourself time. Plan time in your day for you. As a busy Mama of four I make sure I have little pockets throughout the day, putting on music to set or change my mood, a creamy coffee on my sunny deck, connecting my feet in the earth, dips in the ocean, lighting my candles before I go to bed. These are just little things I love doing for me. Start incorporate things you love into your day or better yet, remind yourself of all the things you are already doing for yourself.
Kindness to me is loving others well whether I know them personally or not. Little things I do is bake fresh banana loaf for our neighbours, friends or teachers, sending a text or a phone call to our loved ones just to say “thinking of you”. We don’t have to have a lot of money or things to be kind, we just need to have a heart postured towards sharing the things we do have like our smiles. I think making eye contact with someone and smiling at them makes the world of difference. It says you are here, I see you, I acknowledge your pressence. Sometimes it’s things like that, that can make a world of difference.