Encouragement Self Love and Kindness with Me ( Rachel from The Mint Republic)
I thought it would be a bit of a cop out if I asked others to share their thoughts with us and I didn’t participate too!
I am the founder here at The Mint Republic and chief of doing it all and having a million balls in the air...
My favourite quote
It’s really hard to choose! So many words of wisdom...but I actually love the words ( from Natasha Beddingfield /MTV The Hills classic
‘The rest is still unwritten’
I have often thought about getting this as a tattoo...It highlights how you never know what is around the corner & there’s lots of hope in that!
The words I speak to myself when I need to give myself some love, or be kind to myself?
You can feel the feels, be kind to yourself - but then you need to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep moving!
How I would encourage another when the road is a little bumpy?
It is always tough when you are in the ‘trenches’ but nothing, no bad situation is permanent, you can change it, you will see in 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years how different things can be...
Any other tips for self -love and kindness?
There is nothing like filling your cup ( and you wine glass) with friends and family to restore balance back into your soul...
Don’t forget to have quiet time to yourself ( where you don’t work!)
Creating routines in life often brings a lot of peace.
Be resourceful with what you have - if times have gotten hard - look back at what you have and ask how can this help you move forward...
Minimise your stuff - be conscious about what you fill your life and home with.